J. Mark Bertrand


  • J. Mark Bertrand is the author of Back on Murder, Pattern of Wounds, and the forthcoming Nothing to Hide, crime novels featuring Houston homicide detective Roland March. He has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Houston and lived in the city for fifteen years. After one hurricane too many, he and his wife moved to South Dakota. Mark has been arrested for a crime he didn't commit, was the foreman of a hung jury in Houston, and after relocating served on the jury that acquitted Vinnie Jones of assault. In 1972, he won an honorable mention in a child modeling contest, but pursued writing instead.

Books by Bertrand

Historical Note

  • Write About Now is the successor to my original fiction blog called Notes on Craft. The archive there is still online and dates from March 2004 to September 2007. Feel free to explore it at your leisure.

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February 26, 2009


Elaina Avalos

"It's funny how, the more you learn, the more that's left to learn -- and most of it is quite simple, and you knew it all along."

This is so very true! Love the Chekhov quote.


Exactly! Chekhov was so right. A little goes a long way. Jane Austen on the other hand wrote a lot about the psychology and the hero's mind frame, and it turned out pretty well for her.

btw what's the countdown until your first novel resets literary history.

Alexander Field

Amazing quote, this sounds like something Hemingway would say as well. There isn't much to describe in a characters thoughts when it's all there in what he or she is doing!

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